Friday, August 31, 2012


Friday again. How did that happen?!

Time for a list:

I'll be baking this orange, walnut and honey cake and savouring more of The Shady Baker where I found the recipe

If you are in Melbourne this new wholefoodie haven looks worth a visit

I've been enjoying beauty that moves

For those who love a weekly meal plan, go here

Another lovely blog find My Wholefood Romance

This weekend River, Sol and I are looking forward to heading to Melbourne on Saturday to celebrate a little man's 3rd birthday (hello mama Sheri if you're reading!) and then plans...perhaps River will suggest we play basketball, or perhaps go to see Aloha Africa Drumming and Dancing Troupe performance at Southern Peninsula Arts Centre. Perhaps perhaps perhaps. Nice to have no plans. Happy weekend whatever you're up to x


  1. I will definitely be checking out those links.
    hope you had a lovely weekend

  2. Hi Nikki - thanks for linking to my meal plan printable! Your blog is just gorgeous :)

  3. Hi Nikki,
    Thanks for the link to My Wholefood Romance!
    I have been reading through your blog, it's really fabulous! Nice to find another Jude devotee!
    Take care, Meg.


Thanks for your comments. I read every one!