Thursday, August 16, 2018

Start Where You Are

photo credit: Peter McConchie

And just like that I'm back.

I've had a great break from blogging but the truth is I've missed it.

I've missed the rhythm and flow of writing too. I call myself a writer but I haven't really been writing!

I'm hoping to get into a steady rhythm of writing and posting here.

I still haven't written that book - finished that book. But I'm not being hard on myself I've had a lot of other things going on and I just haven't prioritised finishing the book.

And of course I've had a new idea for a different book. That's how the brain and creativity works isn't it? It is a constant process of managing our distractions, prioritising and then working to stay focused.

In other news we've been pondering a bit of a treechange / seachange. We already live by the sea but we're considering making a move to a quieter part of Victoria.

The Mornington Peninsula where we live now has become a popular place for people tired of city living to relocate to, which is what we did thirteen years ago. I still love lots about the Peninsula but the Waratah Bay / Fish Creek /Foster area near Wilson's Promontory has captured our hearts and has us intrigued as to what country life is like.

River will start high school next year and Sol will be going into grade 4. So, the plan is to start the school year in the new location which feels risky and inspiring all at once.

Sol and River are happy here, it is more Pete who has the itchy feet and would like to raise the boys in a place that facilitates a closer connection with nature.

Have you ever made a big move? How did it go? If you already live in the country, what's your experience of country life?

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