Monday, November 18, 2013

monday musings: Dr Sarah Buckley in Melbourne Thursday November 21

When I was pregnant with River I was fortunate that my sister-in-law Davini Malcolm gifted me Dr Sarah Buckley's book Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering. I was also blessed by the fact that Davini is a birthing extraordinaire who birthed her four children at home including twins, and I had her focused and loving support at River's birth - but that's a whole other post. Oh and just to say, any woman who has given birth naturally or by caesarean, at home, in hospital, on the side of the road is a birthing extraordinaire!

Ecstatic Birth

What? Birth can be ecstacy inducing? Yes! But that headline has become a very well guarded secret. And no I'm not talking about taking drugs, I'm talking about the natural high that goes with natural birth the one that Sarah writes so well about in her book in a chapter titled - Ecstatic Birth - natural childbirth and its ecstacy-inducing hormonal cocktail.

I think every pregnant woman should read at least this chapter. I say this because it offers an alternative perspective to the dominant belief that giving birth is horrendously painful and potentially traumatic. Sarah's words in this chapter in particular were a major light bulb moment for me, I had heard so much about 'pain relief', gas and epidurals, it was a complete revelation to read that when in labor my body would produce hormones that would take me to a natural altered state that would enable me to birth my baby. I make it sound so simple and of course I know that giving birth can be straight-forward but it can also have many twists and turns for each woman and their baby. However, I wholeheartedly believe that women are not encouraged enough to believe in their bodies, believe in their baby and supported to experience birth as empowering and energising and affirming.

Sarah's writing explained birth to me in a way that not even the midwives at the birthing centre I was attending came close to. Sure for some her words will be so far removed from the fear based medicalised birth culture that so many of us know, that it will take some getting your mind around this different point of view but it so worth stretching your mind. Even if you are thinking 'I'm not the home birth type' or 'it all sounds a bit hippyish' put those thoughts aside because there is so much to be gained from reading Sarah's book and considering birth from a fresh positive perspective I know you will find wisdom in these pages to carry with you in pregnancy and birth.

I can't recommend Sarah's book highly enough and if you are in Melbourne this week Sarah is speaking on Thursday night as per the details above. If you are pregnant or know someone who is or perhaps you work in the area of birth, spread the word about Sarah's book and her talk as the information, experience and wisdom Sarah shares positively transforms birth experiences.

Blessings to all the pregnant mamas reading xx

Are you a fan of Sarah's work? Are you going to hear her speak in Melbourne?

An evening with Sarah Buckley, Thursday 21st November 6.30pm-9.30pm, 
$45 general/$35 students,
Australian Catholic University, Christ Lecture Theatre, 115 Victoria Parade Fitzroy. 
For bookings phone: Sunderai 0401 626 883

(I am not affiliated with Sarah or her book, I am writing this because I have her book and believe so much in her work)

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